Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Distinct with OrderBy operators in LINQ

Another day, another challenge.

I have to retrieve a set of distinct data rows that must be ordered by some criteria.
My problem was that first I applied OrderBy and then Distinct operator. After applying Distinct operator data ordering disappeared somehow.
The problem was that Distinct operator does not preserve ordering so you must place OrderBy operator after it. The same is valid for Union and Concat operators.

There is a good post describing this problem in detail that could be found here.

Hope this helps someone.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Preserving Session state across different domains

Recently I had a task that required to add some user session dependent data. The problem was that there is one main domain and many sub domains and different browsers act differently: IE8 is generating new session id only when top level domain is changed, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera are generating new session id when subdomain is changed so session sensitive data will be lost. Requirement was to preserve session sensitive data across different subdomains and regardless of used browser.

The idea is to use intermediate page that will use a self submitting form containing user session sensitive data in hidden fields. The trick is that that form will actually change sub/domain by posting to itself but will preserve session sensitive data via form's hidden input fields.

The original article with solution could be found here .

Hope this helps somebody.